Home Red Hat Lab v0.1

Red Hat Lab v0.1

Initial Planning for Working with RHEL

Since I am working towards being able to pass the Red Hat Certified System Administrator exam I am going to need to spend some time using RHEL, I have been using Debian based systems as my daily driver for over a decade, it has been that long since I switched from Fedora, and while from time to time I have spun up a CentOS VM I am going to need to put in some time doing things the Red Hat way.

Looking through a slightly outdated exam guidebook for the RHCSA exam I should only need 2-3 hosts which I could run as VMs on my current setup. While the recommended software seems to be virtual box I am doing this on an Ubuntu machine so I can use KVM virtualization instead. If I end up needing more servers I can always spin them up using LXD (I know it is kind of strange using Canonical’s containerization technology as a lab environment for learning Red Hat) or use Red Hats UBI image for Podman/Docker

For my main ‘workstation’ machine I will use my Red Hat developer account to run an official image. If I end up spinning up more short term VMs/LXD containers I will use Alma or Rocky Linux so that I am not chasing licenses around.

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